Moxibustion is the burning of the herb Artemisia Vulgaris (mugwort) on an acupuncture point and though other herbs are employed, mugwort is most widely used. The heat stimulates the tissues and by action on the channels can regulate the Qi and Blood and is, therefore, a method of curing disease.
Moxibustion according to ancient doctors has some of the following uses
Warm the channels and scatter the cold:
”When the blood in the vessels freezes, it does not move. Without using fire to regulate, results cannot be achieved.” -Ling Shu Tsu Chieh Yeh Pian
”If Qi and Blood are in poor condition, Qi will not be strong enough to push the Blood in normal circulation, and the coldness will cause the stasis of Blood (for example: joint soreness and pain are caused both by cold weather and air conditioning). In these conditions, moxibustion treatment is necessary. Thus we know that we can use the heat of moxibustion to penetrate the skin, warm the channels and move the Qi. In addition, Mugwort in a decoction can open the channels and get rid of cold and dampness. These medical properties add to its ability to perform these functions when burned over the skin.” -Chin Fu Pian
Support the Yang and Consolidate the Vital energy:
The Yang is the basis for the metabolism in the body. If the yang is weak, the Yin will be excessive; the symptoms are cold, numbness and even coma. Clinically, we can use moxibustion to warm and tonify in the condition of vanquished Yang.
”If the patient has diarrhea, cold and numb hands and feet and no pulse, use moxa.”-Shang Han Lun
“If the disease is in the Shao Yin with vomiting, diarrhea, cold hands and feet, fever and no pulse, moxa the Shao Yin channel seven Zhuangs. Thus we can conclude that when external cold enters the body, causing crisis such as the sinking of Yang Qi, we should use moxibustion as quickly as possible.” -Shang Han Lun
Transport the Qi and Blood:
”When Qi in the upper portion is insufficient, the therapeutic method is to push the flow of Qi and make Qi strong. When Qi in the lower portion is not enough, one must accumulate Qi and keep Qi in good condition. Because moxibution can move the Qi and invigorate blood circulation when the Yang is weak, moxa at Zhu San Li (ST36) or Yung Chuan (K1) can accumulate enough Qi and keep Qi in good condition. This will support sinking Qi problems such as prolapse of the rectum, uterus, and correct chronic diarrhea. Moxa at Bai Hui (GV20) to raise Yang Qi. If there is an oppressive feeling in the chest due to a deficiency of vital energy of the Middle Burner, Moxa at Wu Chu will tonify the middle burner and Yang Qi.” -Ling Shu Kuan Neng Pian
To prevent disease:
”If you travel in the Wu Shou area (think airplanes0, first you must Moxa two or three points then all the poisons will not invade your body. -Chien Chin Fang
”Moxa Guan Yuan CV4 , Qi Hai CV6 (These points both reside in the area below the umbilicus, along the midline), Ming Men GV4 (This point is found on the low back between L2 and L3, along the midline), frequently and you will have a long life.”-Pien Chueh Hsin Shu
Moxa Zhu San Li ST36 (located below the knee, one finger breadth lateral to the lateral border of the Tibia) frequently and you will prevent all illness. One recommendation for those who frequently catch colds is Moxabustion at Da Zhui GV14 (located between C7 and T1, along the midline).
As you can see Moxa has a long history of use for many conditions as well as prevention of disease and longevity!